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Friday 4 December , by Anton Chekhov. But when the big day arrives, there is a crisis that reconciles the two churchmen. As the feast progresses, the guests return ever more frequently to the cloakroom where many of them have things stored away in case of need. CHILDREN Детвора While waiting for their parents to come home from a night out, a group of six children play intensely at cards, with kopecks, prestige, the thrill of competition, the joy of gaming and the simple reluctance to go to bed driving each of them on in their different ways. THE WITCH Ведьма A poor and very dirty country sexton lies in his bed at night listening to the howling of a blizzard outside and, ignorant creature that he is, accuses his wife of being a witch and of somehow having started the storm so as to entrap stray visitors.

The Soviet Heritage and European Modernism - Heritage ... - Icomos
Russian Denver N20/801
1914 translation by H. Rackham
Music: Poetic Lyrics Elevate “To Pimp a Butterfly”
The Soviet Heritage and European Modernism - Heritage ... - Icomos
Kirilenko Yu V 400 Tem Po Angliyskomu Yazyku
Using Cinder Blocks
Origins and Creations: The Evolution of InsideOut
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1914 translation by H. Rackham

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